Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Announcement

I had some reservations about making the public announcement. I was so anxious about something going wrong and how it would feel to have to update the world with the bad news. On the other hand, we had been harboring this secret that we were so excited about that we could barely contain ourselves without telling others. At this point, our immediate families and a few friends were the only ones that knew so far, which included: Bridget, Kristin, Kelsey, Sarah, and Bronwyn. A few extras at work also knew because I was getting ultrasounds done for free in the trauma room at 3 or 4 in the morning with some of the nurses. They got to practice their skills while I got to see you for the first few times. I posted a video I captured during one of my first ultrasounds at work. You were jumping up and down and waving your arms. I posted the video with a status saying that Gambit and Dexter were going to be big brothers. The world of facebook was excited and eagerly anticipating your arrival. This also initiated the onslaught of my facebook posting - overposting. If ever there was an annoying mom-to-be that thought everything their body/fetus did was post worthy, it was me! I wanted the world to know about every tiny detail of your prenatal life and wow what a pace I was setting for what would be posted after you were actually here.  

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