Sunday, September 16, 2012

The First Smile

You were born making cute little smirks. I thought that you weren’t supposed to smile until much later, but we got lucky with a cute smiling sweetheart straight from the womb. From then, you would smile in your sleep. It was so cute. I couldn’t wait until you really busted out a smile. Until this day, I thought I had seen your smile. Once I saw this one I knew that I hadn’t seen anything yet. Everyone told me that when you first smiled I would know and they were right. You were playing with GiGi downstairs at their house in front of the television. GiGi was cooing into your ear and then I heard her say get the camera. I looked at you and you had this big smile on your face. I ran to get the camera and sure enough I got one shot of it then you stopped. You are a bit camera shy so I was so excited that I even got a shot of your real first smile. Adorable. 

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