Sunday, December 16, 2012

The First Giggles

I've been waiting for giggles. Your buddy Maverick was a giggly machine when he came to visit. You , on the other hand, are a really quiet little girl. You seem to closely observe everything and only comment when you really want to say something. Your daddy and I try desperately to entertain you to work a smile out of you and we have been really bringing out the crazy to elicit a laugh. This week you starting letting out a subtle giggle here and there. For a while now, you made big dramatic gestures that you are going to laugh. Your mouth looks like it wants to laugh but there is no sound. It's super cute, but leaves you hanging. You are clearly entertained with how silly you get your parents to act but not impressed enough to let out a laugh. Daddy was teasing mommy with the promises of a laugh. He said all day long you were giggling for him, but I had not seen it yet. All of a sudden, you giggled when daddy was talking to you. We were both sitting in bed with you in between and I was almost brought to tears with how cute it was. I don't even remember what we were doing, but I wouldn't let your daddy stop. It was the cutest thing ever. Your little laugh was so adorable and I didn't want it to stop. Of course, it did. If nothing else, you are super consistent. When you are done, you are done. 

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