Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Gender Reveal

Like I said, I had a few more ultrasounds than most others by this point because of my friends in the ER. The story here is in the details. On the 16th, I had an ultrasound at work with a few nurse friends that were adamant that you were a boy. They printed me a picture and told me what was what. Awkwardly, a male doctor that happened to be working that night also came in to see what we were doing and decided to dive in and help out. I did not know him as well as the girls I was working with so it was a little weird, but he was the one who said that it was too early to tell gender. Despite the doctor’s words, I was starting to celebrate the news. I told your daddy that you were a boy while he was waking up the morning I came home from work. I shook him a little and said you are going to have a son. He was thrilled – he even almost woke up a little which is a big deal for your dad that early in the morning. Then along comes the 21st when we went to have our anatomy ultrasound at the Austin Perinatal office. The woman who was performing the ultrasound was super quick and efficient and just went on warp speed through the ultrasound. She did ask if we wanted to know the gender, and she did not really dwell on it or make it dramatic like they do in the movies. But, we were definitely shocked like they show in the movies because instead of saying it’s a boy as we had expected she told us you were a little girl! To be honest, I cried a little in the car when we left the office. It was not because I was not thrilled to have you, but I had mentally prepared myself for a little boy and considering how much of a tomboy that I was, I thought I would be better equipped to be a basketball player’s mom than a ballerina's mom. I also thought that your dad would be more excited with a baby boy so I felt like I was disappointing him. It took us a little time to wrap our heads around having a girl, but within a week or two, I was buying pink clothes and spending hours perusing names for you. It wouldn’t be until we had you when we really realized what a blessing it was to have a girl - and your daddy could not stop talking about how happy he was to have daddy's little angel first. 

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