Friday, August 31, 2012

The Move to Houston

We thought that you would be living in Houston longer of your life than even this, but it was time to go to GiGi and Pop Pop’s house for the duration of my maternity leave. Since you came three weeks early, we ended up staying in Austin longer with you than anticipated. We had about three weeks in the old apartment making it work with the limited baby clothing and equipment that we had. Daddy and I thought we did a pretty good job of taking care of you by ourselves, but even while in Austin we weren’t really by ourselves for more than a week. GiGi stayed with us for one week then Grannie Jannie and Sabita came up for a few days too. It was nice to come home to my parents though to help us transition into being parents ourselves. You had a blast getting to spend more time with your grandparents on both sides. I loved being back at home and visiting with high school friends like Bridget, Jill, and Dani. Daddy took a little time to adjust to living with his in-laws but quickly settled in and seemed to be comfortable too. It was very nice to take it easy and enjoy you surrounded by family and friends . It was a whirlwind experience and it flew by so quickly, but I loved it and I think you did too. Both of your grandmas though felt it was way too quick and missed you incredibly when we left to go back to Austin. 

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