Monday, March 18, 2013

The Time You Started Pulling Up

Your daddy and I are so impressed with your growth. You are still a bit wobbly while sitting up. You can't pull up by yourself into a sitting position. You don't crawl with your tummy off the ground but you do cover ground army crawl style like no other. All of this, and I'm thrown by the fact that you are already pulling up onto things. It happened so suddenly. We definitely didn't expect it. You cry a lot lately when I'm home and I'm not holding you. The second I walk in the door from work, you get so crazy angry. I think the crying and the desire to be held was the driving force to your pulling up. Any time you aren't content on your own, you pull up onto something from chairs to couches, and now when you are unwilling to sleep, you pull up on your crib. We had to lower your crib but unfortunately that hasn't stopped what I now like to call your "night terrors". I feel so bad when you scream bloody murder from your crib but I've been trying to be good and keep you in there so eventually you learn to soothe yourself and fall asleep. Hasn't been working. I usually cave around the 15th cry fest and you come to sleep with mommy and daddy. You win every time with that oh-so-sad face when I come in and the immediate calm and head falling asleep on my shoulder when I pick you up. You are so cute, no one can really blame me. One day I will have the strength to let you sleep alone. Maybe. Or maybe it will just be when you have to tell me to get a life mommy! Hopefully, not that long.

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