Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Time You Said/Whispered Your First Word

I guess months of hearing us shouting at your "puppies" set you up well for your first word. You have already been pointing toward the dogs, walking toward the dogs, and yelling indistinguishable babbles toward them after mommy or daddy chastise them for roughhousing or general craziness, but now you've stepped it up. We were visiting Houston and we were at GiGi's house playing in the living room with blocks when it happened. You looked at the dogs and in a soft whisper and a little bit of stuttering over the "p" sound, you said "puppy"! We were all a little shocked. We weren't sure if we could count it as your first word. We didn't know what the prerequisite for first words was ... does she have to talk louder, does she have to say it multiple times, do we have to be sure she isn't saying it indiscriminately, etc? But sure enough, you were looking right at the dogs and you said it a few more times - likely because we were so excited that you decided you should probably say it a few more times for the praise and glory. You've said it a few times since, but cutely ... and strangely... you always say it softly and almost under your breath. More often than not, you are back to your yelling at the dogs - those bad brothers! Your relationship with them is adorable. I was very nervous with the number of stories I hear at work where typically good pet dogs snap but your brothers have so far been wonderful with you. They have demonstrated extreme agility in playing hardcore and always avoiding you as they pass by and they have licked you all over and never nipped. Well that's not entirely true - Dexter did nip at your toes once when I was holding you up and he wanted to go outside, but I feel like it was accidental and it was more what he does to me when he wants to go outside and your foot just happened to be there - oops! Other than that, Gams and Dex have been super sweet to you - allowing you to slap their tummies with both of your hands, allowing you to pull at their loose skin around their mouths, and allowing you to pet/pat them to your heart's content. Gambit will occasionally walk away when he's had enough but surprisingly Dexter just lets you have at it occasionally turning around to lick your face as a subtle encouragement to change what you are doing to him. We are very fortunate they have developed this loving relationship with your so that we do not have to be on high alert every moment with you around them but we do have to watch you with other dogs because you are definitely being set up to be super affectionate to all animals -which is great, but dangerous when they aren't quite as friendly. What we all love the most is how un-phased you are by the dogs presence when we are over at Grannie Jannie's and there are a million dogs running around you, licking you, or bumping your little walking self over. Puppies and babies... double the trouble, double the cute!

While at GiGi's you also got to play with your cousins and play at Water Park McKinney. GiGi loves the summer and more than that she loves buying new pools for the backyard. Each summer, GiGi usually picks out a new inflatable pool and some are small for kids while others are large enough to need filters and ladders. This year, GiGi one upped even herself and not only had her large enough pool for kids and adults but that pool's ladder went into another smaller, baby pool and then there was also a splash pad set up for you on the patio with a large cabana shaded area, water misters, and a painting station. Fancy! You had a blast swimming it up with your cousins.

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