Friday, November 30, 2012

The Average Day with You

I had such a special experience with you today. I’m sure I’ll think so many moments are super special, but you are in such an awesome phase of your life right now that each day brings so many new, cool opportunities to enjoy sharing time with you. You are so cute when you wake up. You don’t really wake up completely. You keep your eyes closed and start stirring. I can tell that you aren’t ready to wake up, but I know your tummy must be making you uncomfortable so I feed you and you fall back into sleep. I stared at you for a while to make sure you are really sleepy – so cute. Then I lay you down with your daddy and the two of you professional sleepers knock out another few hours of sleep. I’m not the sleeper in the family so I’m up – despite the fact that I have to work the overnight shift later. I try to get a few more things done (television shows watched) before you wake up for good. Once you and your daddy come out, I light up! You are the cutest upon waking up. You smile so much. You just seem so happy to be up with us. We got to hang out together. I loved how you grabbed your feet. You have just recently discovered those toes and you are becoming increasingly interested in them. You babbled to yourself and really got a kick of the “other baby” in the mirror that was babbling back at you. Then, I swear, I got to hear your first little laugh. It was quick and sort of a half laugh like it was not finished. I’m assuming we will start hearing full giggles and laughs very soon as happy as you are and I just can’t wait. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Time You Started Talking to Mommy

You had been babbling for a while now, but there are some days when I just really feel like capturing the moment by writing down how it felt to experience these days with you. Today we had fun watching Yo Gabba Gabba, reading, tummy-timing, and sitting outside playing fetch with the dogs, but the real fun came for about thirty minutes in the evening when we just sat and talked to each other. I can’t wait for the nights when we sit up having real conversations, but these have got to be the cutest. You have long conversations with daddy it seems like all of the time, but it’s rare when I get to experience them too. We sat on the couch and while you laid there you looked at me and just started chatting. I would let you let it all out and watch your tongue just working so hard to get these babble words out. Then I would respond. At first, I tried to stick to the books and respond with real words, but after a while, I gave in – like daddy – and started mimicking your noises. You seemed to be pretty responsive to that. We went on for about fifteen minutes just going back and forth. Little moments like these remind me what an amazing miracle life is and how amazing your rapid development has been in such a short time. Each day you can do new things and I’m constantly in awe of you. At this end of this little session, I was prepping you to take a bath and I just stared at you. I looked up at your daddy and said “I can’t believe I made this”. It still blows my mind that you are here and that you are ours – and somehow you turned out so perfect in every way despite the two of us that made you. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The First Thanksgiving

I used all of my PTO on maternity leave to have you so coming back to work I’ve actually had to work! Thanksgiving was the first holiday back and it actually landed on my shift so we would not be going home to Houston. Before you were born, your daddy and I would go to both of our houses for nearly every Thanksgiving. We had a couple of exceptions when one of our families would have Thanksgiving out of town at which time we would trade off and spend it with just one family. This Thanksgiving though we were celebrating as a little family of three since I had to work all day. Not only was it your first Thanksgiving but it was our first without our families too. Your daddy tasked me with getting a pecan pie and the turkey. Bad idea. I had made a pumpkin pie the day before because for some reason I thought it was your daddy’s favorite – turns out neither of us really like pumpkin pie. I went to Central Market to get a killer pecan pie and while I was there I decided that the turkey tasted awesome so I would get it from there. Silly mommy though I didn’t think to ask the man in the deli to cut it into thick slices and instead I ended up with two pounds of overpriced deli-thin sliced turkey. It tasted delicious but it certainly did not shout Thanksgiving turkey. I went ahead and picked up another pound at Rudy’s where daddy suggested getting it from in the first place which turned out to be a bit thicker for appearance purposes. That was my contribution. Daddy was not too happy with my meat selection but I think we both had ideas about what needed to be present for our first Thanksgiving together. While I was at work, you and daddy spent the day together and daddy prepped all of the food. I happened to get off work a little early and came home to help cook. Despite the look of the turkey and dad’s vat of sweet potatoes, our little dinner for two turned out great. Overall, it was quite successful and of course, you were the center of attention. We put you in your “First Thanksgiving” onesie which was a hand me down from a church member so it had some room to grow. I posted your picture and the entire family was in love. We were definitely lucky to have you and we both knew exactly what we were thankful for this Thanksgiving – a super amazing daughter. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Beginning of the End of Your Stationary Life

You had been teetering on the brink of a rollover for a week or so by now, but today was the big day. We went from one subtle flip after minutes of extensive effort to lightning flipping before our eyes. Your daddy and I thought it was pretty funny. We would lay you down on your play mat and turn away for a second and ta-da you were flipped before we turned back around. You were also quite adept at moving despite not being able to really move yet. You looked like you were swimming – pushing your tummy against the ground and paddling those arms and legs. You would start with a smile on your face which would quickly turn to frustration as you discovered you weren’t moving anywhere. You did have the spins down though. You started turning towards me or daddy to make sure you didn’t miss a beat. We could tell you were ready to move more and it occurred to us that this was the beginning of the end of our little stationary lady.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Time You Put Two Fingers in Your Mouth

Your Grannie Jannie took us out to Kerbey Lane for a late dinner after daddy got done at work. You are a late night lady so you weren’t fazed by the time, but you were cute and entertaining. Most times when we have gone out to eat since we brought you home, you usually go to sleep. This time you were intent on hanging out and checking out the scene. Particularly tonight you started putting two of your fingers in your mouth. Super cute, but more importantly, you looked just like your Uncle Nicholas. Per Facebook, everyone knows someone that also had this particular sucking pattern, but I remember your Uncle Nicholas doing this for years when we were younger. I’ve seen you do this once before but it was so cute. We were lucky and we got a great shot of it too!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Time You Turned Three Months Old

Highlights this month: 
5) You are really coming into your own this month
4) You continue to show awesome head control - which led to many cute pictures
3) You began showing a great afinity for your little fists
2) You didn't have to go to the doctor this month for shots! But I did have to take you because I thought you were sick - turns out you were just a little congested
1) All of these close up shots make you look so chubby. Relative to previous months, you are packing on the pounds; however, little miss string-bean, your Taylor height makes you still look super petite