Monday, November 26, 2012

The Time You Started Talking to Mommy

You had been babbling for a while now, but there are some days when I just really feel like capturing the moment by writing down how it felt to experience these days with you. Today we had fun watching Yo Gabba Gabba, reading, tummy-timing, and sitting outside playing fetch with the dogs, but the real fun came for about thirty minutes in the evening when we just sat and talked to each other. I can’t wait for the nights when we sit up having real conversations, but these have got to be the cutest. You have long conversations with daddy it seems like all of the time, but it’s rare when I get to experience them too. We sat on the couch and while you laid there you looked at me and just started chatting. I would let you let it all out and watch your tongue just working so hard to get these babble words out. Then I would respond. At first, I tried to stick to the books and respond with real words, but after a while, I gave in – like daddy – and started mimicking your noises. You seemed to be pretty responsive to that. We went on for about fifteen minutes just going back and forth. Little moments like these remind me what an amazing miracle life is and how amazing your rapid development has been in such a short time. Each day you can do new things and I’m constantly in awe of you. At this end of this little session, I was prepping you to take a bath and I just stared at you. I looked up at your daddy and said “I can’t believe I made this”. It still blows my mind that you are here and that you are ours – and somehow you turned out so perfect in every way despite the two of us that made you. 

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