Thursday, November 22, 2012

The First Thanksgiving

I used all of my PTO on maternity leave to have you so coming back to work I’ve actually had to work! Thanksgiving was the first holiday back and it actually landed on my shift so we would not be going home to Houston. Before you were born, your daddy and I would go to both of our houses for nearly every Thanksgiving. We had a couple of exceptions when one of our families would have Thanksgiving out of town at which time we would trade off and spend it with just one family. This Thanksgiving though we were celebrating as a little family of three since I had to work all day. Not only was it your first Thanksgiving but it was our first without our families too. Your daddy tasked me with getting a pecan pie and the turkey. Bad idea. I had made a pumpkin pie the day before because for some reason I thought it was your daddy’s favorite – turns out neither of us really like pumpkin pie. I went to Central Market to get a killer pecan pie and while I was there I decided that the turkey tasted awesome so I would get it from there. Silly mommy though I didn’t think to ask the man in the deli to cut it into thick slices and instead I ended up with two pounds of overpriced deli-thin sliced turkey. It tasted delicious but it certainly did not shout Thanksgiving turkey. I went ahead and picked up another pound at Rudy’s where daddy suggested getting it from in the first place which turned out to be a bit thicker for appearance purposes. That was my contribution. Daddy was not too happy with my meat selection but I think we both had ideas about what needed to be present for our first Thanksgiving together. While I was at work, you and daddy spent the day together and daddy prepped all of the food. I happened to get off work a little early and came home to help cook. Despite the look of the turkey and dad’s vat of sweet potatoes, our little dinner for two turned out great. Overall, it was quite successful and of course, you were the center of attention. We put you in your “First Thanksgiving” onesie which was a hand me down from a church member so it had some room to grow. I posted your picture and the entire family was in love. We were definitely lucky to have you and we both knew exactly what we were thankful for this Thanksgiving – a super amazing daughter. 

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