Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Beginning of the End of Your Stationary Life

You had been teetering on the brink of a rollover for a week or so by now, but today was the big day. We went from one subtle flip after minutes of extensive effort to lightning flipping before our eyes. Your daddy and I thought it was pretty funny. We would lay you down on your play mat and turn away for a second and ta-da you were flipped before we turned back around. You were also quite adept at moving despite not being able to really move yet. You looked like you were swimming – pushing your tummy against the ground and paddling those arms and legs. You would start with a smile on your face which would quickly turn to frustration as you discovered you weren’t moving anywhere. You did have the spins down though. You started turning towards me or daddy to make sure you didn’t miss a beat. We could tell you were ready to move more and it occurred to us that this was the beginning of the end of our little stationary lady.

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